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An Introduction and Regulatory Overview on Digital Assets and the Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) Framework in Malaysia
Presenter : Ms. Yau Khai Ling
Posted in : Company and Corporate Law
CPD Activity (1.0 credit)
About the Course
The recent registration of two Initial Exchange Offering (“IEO”) platform operators in Malaysia by the Securities Commission Malaysia in March 2022 has sparked much interest amongst the general public, drawing attention once again to the rapidly expanding areas of digital assets and finance technology (“fintech”) within Malaysia.
The global phenomena of digital assets and fintech have brought about a sea change, such as creating alternative fundraising methods, inspiring new business models, and providing digital solutions to age-old institutions and infrastructures. Malaysia is no stranger to this digital revolution, as government authorities step in to accommodate and regulate the fast-growing space of digital assets and fintech, including within the capital markets or fundraising sector as businesses seek alternative ways to raise funds.
In this session, the speaker will discuss the development of digital assets and its legal framework in Malaysia, IEO as an alternative form of fundraising through the offering of digital tokens, and how IEO compares with the existing fintech fundraising frameworks such as equity-crowdfunding and peer-to-peer financing.
In order to complete this module successfully, ensure that you watch at least 75% of the video duration in a single session and achieve a minimum score of 100% on the quiz. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive 1 CPD point.
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About the Presenter

Ms. Yau Khai Ling
Yau Khai Ling is the founding partner of KhaiLing Yau Chambers, a boutique corporate legal firm established in Kuala Lumpur in 2020. She was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court in Malaya in 2009. She counsels corporate clients on a wide range of corporate matters encompassing mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”), capital markets, cross-border corporate and commercial transactions and digital assets, including reverse takeovers, initial public offerings, scheme of arrangements, rights issues, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring.
Prior to founding KhaiLing Yau Chambers, Khai Ling was a director of a regional law firm that focused on Singapore capital markets and corporate and commercial work. Before her directorship, Khai Ling practised in the corporate and M&A practice group of an international law firm based in Singapore.